Clementine just sounds cheerful, so that was the theme for this months subscription.

Clementine just sounds cheerful, so that was the theme for this months subscription.

Winter for me is oranges. It’s when they are juicy and sweet.

Our theme this month focused on Cheerful, and what better ingredient to use that a zesty citrus fruit.

orange, cheerful zesty vibe.

Our focus ingredient is Clementine which has a fresh and crisp aroma - but a little sweeter than a mandarin. It almost has a subtle touch of florals.
This is a perfectly balanced blend of orange, lemons, fresh berries and warm woods.. It’s uplifting and guaranteed to make you smile when you sniff.

Clementine, lemon, warms woods

We like to have a meaning behind a lot of our candle scents are we are seeing the trends of businesses using products for purpose, including energising ingredients in skincare and house cleaning products to invoke a feeling of clean, fresh and to awaken your senses.

We found the most beautiful handmade ceramic jar for this month and had to be super careful with spacing the vessels on the tables. If they bump into each other they leave marks or scratch the surface. We used a paper label that was a little tricky sticking it to the concrete texture of the jar but we got there.

Clementine and Citrus candle of the month

Our new boxes arrived so it was fun to pack the candles in and it made us realise that I’d made a bit of a mistake with the sizing. They are so cute and were so much easier to build than the last boxes and with our first run we just order 1000 so we will go back to the drawing board and resize for the next design. We collect all our old cardboard boxes and use or shredder to break them all down. It saves on costs and is a great way to reuse and recycle. We call our shred stuffing and like to make sure it supports the candles in transit, to boxes were just a little snug to do this.

We made a change with the website this month and are happy to see our new customers choosing from the eight different scent notes available. Previously we just have the 2 categories to chose from sweet or fresh and this way there may be customers that like a little from both. We’d love for you to try the quiz and tell us what you think.

1 comment

  • Milena Sheridan

    This candle, both scent and look, has been my fav so far! The simple look of black and white is perfect in my house. Is there any way to order a few more?

    Thanks, milena

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